Trouble Sleeping? Tips for Getting Better Sleep Naturally

Trouble sleeping? Tips for getting better #sleep naturally!

Sleep is crucial for health. Implement these tips for getting better sleep naturally and start enjoying better sleep naturally tonight!

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It is Sleep Awareness Week, the perfect time to take some time to focus on getting better sleep naturally! The second step of the Simple Pure Whole Wellness Solution is to Manage Stress and Get Adequate, Quality Rest, Sleep and Relaxation

We all value a good night’s sleep and start to notice when we are not getting enough rest. Proper sleep is so important for a balanced metabolism, stress reduction, healing and overall health. During sleep, crucial maintenance and healing processes take place in the body. 

We know from experience that a good night’s sleep refreshes us, stabilizes our moods and helps us perform better. Sleep is far from a passive process. Instead, our bodies and brains are quite active while we sleep, performing crucial processes that help to balance our moods, stabilize our hormones and keep the brain functioning optimally.

Studies demonstrate that even short-term sleep deprivation can contribute to health problems including weight gain, elevated blood pressure and decreased immunity. It is clear that sleep is essential for the healthy function our bodies, brains and hormones. In fact, research shows that even one night of sleep deprivation is associated with signs of brain tissue loss. 

Laser reset #cleanse: #detox, energize and find your vibrancy! www.JeniferWeinbergMD.comSleep is a key component of the Personalized Lifestyle Medicine approach I take in my new Laser Reset Rejuvenating Cleanse! Join us to jumpstart anti-inflammatory living to heal your relationship with food, learn to trust your body and reestablish balance for lifelong health! 

Research suggests that sleep is a time for the body and brain to complete crucial maintenance. The brain sweeps out waste during sleep via the glymphatic system which is the equivalent to the lymphatic system in the central nervous system. This helps maintain homeostasis and protect neurons. This important housekeeping takes place at a much greater rate when we are asleep and may help prevent neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s from developing.

While the optimal amount of sleep varies with our age, health and individual needs, most adults need at least seven to nine hours consistently each night. Unfortunately, millions of us are suffering from an ongoing lack of sleep. The World Association of Sleep Medicine estimates that this global epidemic of insomnia affects 45% of the world’s population.

Simple Pure Whole Tips for Better Sleep Naturally!

Get better #sleep naturally! #health #wellness

Fortunately there are many natural options and lifestyle habits that can greatly improve our sleep and help you get better sleep naturally! 

Reframe Your View of Sleep

Start by looking at sleep as a basic necessity for good health instead of a luxury which you only indulge in on weekends and holidays. Remember that sleep is an important vital sign of health and a key part of maintaining an optimal weight, balanced lifestyle and well-functioning brain.

Spend Time in Nature

Get out in nature during the day, especially to take a walk or do something else active, to help ensure better sleep naturally. Exposure to lots of natural sunlight during the day is a powerful way to keep your circadian rhythm synced to the natural cycles of dawn, daylight, dusk and darkness. As night sets, watch the sunset, dim the lights and let that time be for slowing down and quiet.

Be Aware of Technology

Technological devices such as televisions, cell phones and laptops emit light that can disrupt sleep and harm our health. When we are exposed to the blue light that these devices give off in the evening, the production of melatonin is suppressed. This hormone is secreted by the pineal gland in the brain to help control sleep and wake cycles. Melatonin suppression is associated with poor sleep as well as impaired immune function, cardiovascular disease and an increased risk of cancer. 

Since the blue wavelength suppresses melatonin most significantly, blocking blue light can reduce this impact and improve sleep. F.lux is a program that automatically adapts your device’s display to the time of day. Alternatively, amber-lensed glasses can be worn after dusk to reduce the effects of blue-light exposure and improve sleep quality. These can be particularly helpful since normal room light alone can be enough to suppress melatonin at night.

Create a Calming Evening Ritual

Create a calming evening ritual and maintain a regular sleep schedule to experience better sleep naturally. Try one or more of these rituals and see if they improve your sleep:

  • Take ten minutes to sit quietly and journal about all the things for which you are grateful in your life this day.
  • Gently stretch or do some slow, calm yoga poses like these for 10-15 minutes.
  • Give yourself a five minute massage. Start at the feet and work towards the heart. Or simply focus on your feet. Since the feet contain a map of the whole body, it can be very therapeutic to regularly massage them. 
  • Take a warm bath.

Become More Mindful

A Mindfulness Practice can be a great way to learn to slow down and calm the mind. Incorporating even small amounts of meditation into your day can train your mind and body to relax and find calm. Sit quietly for 5-10 minutes in the morning to start your day and 5-10 minutes in the evening to help you wind down. Get comfortable, and let your attention rest on your breath. If your mind wanders, gently note this, and simply bring your attention back to the breath. If you find yourself becoming anxious with thoughts, try journaling about your worries before you meditate to help decrease stress.

Try incorporating some of these simple yet powerful lifestyle tips and enjoy satisfying and better sleep naturally!

Do you have a bedtime ritual?

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Medical Disclaimer: Information provided in this email and related resources is for informational purposes only. The information is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional. Every body is unique so be sure to check with your health care professional before making any dietary or lifestyle changes taking any medication or nutritional supplement or using any treatment for a health issue.. Do not use this information provided for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. If you suspect you have a medical problem please contact your healthcare provider promptly and do not disregard professional medical advice based on anything in this email. This correspondence and related resources are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease and do not create a doctor-patient relationship between you and Jennifer Weinberg.

This post was shared with: Healthy, Happy, Green & Natural” Party Hop Healthy Living Link PartyCreate It ThursdayFamily Fun FridayFriday’s Five FeaturesWeekend Retreat


  • Deborah Davis

    Getting a good night’s sleep has been a challenge of mine for many years. I have used magnesium supplements, lavender essential oil, calming herbal teas and herbs to help me sleep longer and deeper. Thank you for sharing your helpful and invaluable suggestions for getting better sleep naturally at the Healthy Happy Green Natural Party! I’m Pinning and sharing this!

  • Ashley

    Great ideas! I also always drink a hot cup of tea before bed! It makes me feel relaxed and cozy and puts me in the mindset for sleep. Great job!