The Mindfulness Diet: Exploring the link between mindfulness, blood sugar and weight

The Mindfulness Diet: Exploring the link between mindfulness, blood sugar and weight Exploring the Mindfulness Diet: Researchers have found a correlation between mindfulness and plasma glucose levels, suggesting that those who are more mindful tend to have more balanced weights. Mindfulness is an approach that can influence and improve many areas of our lives. To dig […]

The Whole Cure Wellness Wednesdays: Powerful Stress Management Strategies for a More Meaningful Life and a BONUS Meditation Gift

Beat overwhelm & constant stress with these stress management strategies & habits for building a centered, meaningful life where stress does not take over! Today’s The Whole Cure Wellness Wednesday post celebrates April as Stress Awareness Month! Stress plays such a pivotal role in our health, happiness and lives, impacting our bodies, minds and spirits […]