5 Foods from the #MediterraneanDiet you can incorporate without leaving home

5 Foods from The Mediterranean Diet You Can Incorporate Without Leaving Home!

Nutrition fads come and go, but certain ways of eating stand the test of time. The Mediterranean Diet is more than food, embracing a healthy, balanced lifestyle which is scientifically proven to produce long-term health benefits. Fortunately, you don’t have to buy a plane ticket to benefit from this eating philosophy. Eating a balanced, nutrient-dense […]

Irritable Bowel Syndrome IBS How its related to stress and what you can do

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: How Stress Impacts Your Gut Health and What You Can Do {Lifestyle Medicine | Nutrition}

Stress, Leaky Gut & the Microbiome Play Key Roles in Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Here is What You Can to Do! Two of the most common issues patients seek care for are stress and issues with digestion. Interestingly, these two conditions are often closely related to each other as is evident in the case of irritable bowel syndrome. […]

Lifestyle Medicine to Protect Brain Prevent Alzheimers Disease

Alzheimer’s Prevention Using Lifestyle Medicine Strategies for a Healthy Brain {Lifestyle Medicine | Nutrition}

Alzheimer’s prevention using lifestyle medicine strategies can protect the brain and reduce the risk of cognitive decline. Alzheimer’s Disease is a type of brain disorder that causes debilitating problems with memory, behavior and thinking. Fortunately, adopting a combination of healthy habits and a personalized lifestyle approach for Alzheimer’s prevention promotes good brain health and may help stave off […]

#Estrogen: A woman’s body produces three main types of estrogen with a fourth type produced solely during #pregnancy . The different forms of estrogen have different potencies and influence different tissues and functions within a woman's body. #womenshealth #functionalmedicine #gynecology #gyn #hormones #hormone #estrogens #preventivemedicine #woman #women #female #femalehormones #sexhormones #medicine #health #wellness #lifestylemedicine #nutrition #functionalnutrition #food #foodasmedicine #balance

The Estrobolome: How the Gut Impacts Estrogen Levels, Metabolism and More! {Lifestyle Medicine | Women’s Health | Hormones | Functional Nutrition | Pure}

The Estrobolome: Learn How the Gut Impacts Estrogen Levels, Metabolism and More and How to Bring Your Hormones Into Balance with Lifestyle Medicine! {Lifestyle Medicine | Women’s Health | Hormones | Functional Nutrition | Pure} The microbiome has been receiving increasing attention in recent years. This collection of microbes on and within your body has […]

Nutrient Deficiencies Linked to Fatigue and How to Eat Your Way to More Energy + VIDEO {Lifestyle Medicine | Nutrition}

There are many common nutrient deficiencies linked to fatigue. Here is what you need to know so you can eat your way to more energy and metabolic balance with lifestyle medicine! There are many common nutrient deficiencies linked to fatigue that may influence your level of health and vitality.  Is it a struggle to get out […]

Balance Your #Hormones with #Lifestyle and #Nutrition to Reduce #Menopause Symptoms #hormone #womenshealth #health #science #hormone #estrogen #progesterone #balance

Find Balance During Menopause with Nutrition and Lifestyle! {Health & Wellness | Women’s Health | Hormones}

Reduce Menopausal Symptoms by Balancing Your Hormones with Lifestyle and Nutrition Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for more healthy recipes, lifestyle tips and more! Affiliate Disclosure & Privacy Policy (please review our complete policy here): we use affiliate links and analytics on our website, social media posts and newsletter which utilize cookies placed on your browser […]

Chronic #inflammation contributes to #lifestyle diseases like #heartdisease #diabetes and #obesity. Use these lifestyle habits to balance inflammation and prevent chronic disease! #prevention #lifestylemedicine #hearthealth #health #science #wellness #habits #sugar #bloodsugar #food #healthyfood #foodismedicine #eatclean $#leaneating

Lifestyle Habits to Balance Inflammation and Prevent Chronic Disease + VIDEO {Wellness & Health}

Inflammation plays a crucial role in healing but too much at the wrong time and place can lead to the development of chronic disease. Use these lifestyle habits to balance inflammation and prevent chronic disease!  You can find more mindfulness guidance, healthy recipes, lifestyle tips and more on my YouTube Channel! Affiliate Disclosure & Privacy Policy […]

Women’s Hormone Balance Through Whole Foods and Lifestyle {Health & Wellness}

Hormones are key messengers which influence many processes in the body. Find balance in women’s hormones with whole foods and lifestyle! Hormones are messengers that influence processes all over the body. Many factors influence women’s hormone balance.  From sex hormones, like estrogen and testosterone, to adrenal stress hormones like cortisol, to hormones which influence our […]

The Mindfulness Diet: Exploring the link between mindfulness, blood sugar and weight

The Mindfulness Diet: Exploring the link between mindfulness, blood sugar and weight Exploring the Mindfulness Diet: Researchers have found a correlation between mindfulness and plasma glucose levels, suggesting that those who are more mindful tend to have more balanced weights. Mindfulness is an approach that can influence and improve many areas of our lives. To dig […]