Mindfully Manage Holiday #Stress for Mind and Body #Health

Mindful Holiday Stress Management for Better Mind and Body Health Into the New Year {Stress Management | Mindfulness}

Mindfully Manage Holiday Stress for Better Mind and Body Health Into the New Year!  {Stress Management | Mindfulness} The holidays are filled with beloved traditions, time with loved ones, gratitude and joy. But they can also become a season full of disappointed expectations and overwhelming holiday stress if you get too caught up in the […]

Chronic #inflammation contributes to #lifestyle diseases like #heartdisease #diabetes and #obesity. Use these lifestyle habits to balance inflammation and prevent chronic disease! #prevention #lifestylemedicine #hearthealth #health #science #wellness #habits #sugar #bloodsugar #food #healthyfood #foodismedicine #eatclean $#leaneating

Lifestyle Habits to Balance Inflammation and Prevent Chronic Disease + VIDEO {Wellness & Health}

Inflammation plays a crucial role in healing but too much at the wrong time and place can lead to the development of chronic disease. Use these lifestyle habits to balance inflammation and prevent chronic disease!  You can find more mindfulness guidance, healthy recipes, lifestyle tips and more on my YouTube Channel! Affiliate Disclosure & Privacy Policy […]

The Mindfulness Diet: Exploring the link between mindfulness, blood sugar and weight

The Mindfulness Diet: Exploring the link between mindfulness, blood sugar and weight Exploring the Mindfulness Diet: Researchers have found a correlation between mindfulness and plasma glucose levels, suggesting that those who are more mindful tend to have more balanced weights. Mindfulness is an approach that can influence and improve many areas of our lives. To dig […]

Superherbs! Adaptogens for Stamina, Strength and Stress Relief

Learn what adaptogens can do to help balance, restore and protect the body by normalizing physiologic function and enhancing the body’s resiliency to stress!  Today’s post continues this month’s focus on meaningful stress management to celebrate Stress Awareness Month! Stress plays such a pivotal role in our health, happiness and lives, impacting our bodies, minds and spirits […]