Celebrate Earth Month Mindfully: 5 powerful tips to protect the planet & your health {Pure | Lifestyle Medicine | Natural Living | Minimalism | Less Waste}

Celebrate Earth Month Mindfully with These 5 Powerful Tips to Protect the Planet and Your Health {Pure | Lifestyle Medicine | Natural Living | Minimalism | Less Waste} When you live in harmony with nature and your environment, you find greater calm, health, and compassion–for yourself, others, and the planet. There are some simple yet […]

Reduce Air Pollution and Wildfire Smoke to Protect Yourself and Breathe Easier

Reduce Wildfire Smoke and Air Pollution to Breathe Easier {Lifestyle Medicine, Environmental Health}

Reduce Wildfire Smoke and Air Pollution to Protect Yourself and Breathe Easier {Lifestyle Medicine, Environmental Health} Air pollution is a growing problem for many reasons including widespread wildfire smoke and has many health impacts. The quality of the air you breathe is essential for health. Right now, wildfires are raging and devastating many areas, contributing […]

Here is a #Wellness Routine To Protect Your #Health as Well as The Planet with These Strategies From #Lifestyle #Medicine #nature #greenliving #green #earth #Pure #NaturalLiving #earthday #earthmonth #Minimalism #zerowaste #LessWaste

A Wellness Routine To Protect Your Health and The Planet + VIDEO {Pure | Lifestyle Medicine | Natural Living | Minimalism | Less Waste}

Here is a Wellness Routine To Protect Your Health as Well as The Planet Using Strategies From Lifestyle Medicine! {Pure | Natural Living | Minimalism | Less Waste} The health of your body and the health of the planet are closely entwined. Earth Month is the perfect time to build a wellness routine that will […]